Example 1

Investments mainly in Hotel is more than find a place where people sleep or find a restaurant to eat and make a good ROI — it is the creation of deeply immersive experiences touching all of the senses of a new generation of consumers.

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Example 2

Investments mainly in Hotel is more than find a place where people sleep or find a restaurant to eat and make a good ROI — it is the creation of deeply immersive experiences touching all of the senses of a new generation of consumers.

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.motor-reserva, .promolateral, #button-reserva-flutuante, .btn-circle, .btn-square { background: #b5a781 !important; } .flatpickr-day.selected.startRange+.endRange:not(:nth-child(7n+1)), .flatpickr-day.startRange.startRange+.endRange:not(:nth-child(7n+1)), .flatpickr-day.endRange.startRange+.endRange:not(:nth-child(7n+1)) { -webkit-box-shadow: -10px 0 0 #635330 !important; box-shadow: -10px 0 0 #635330 !important; } .flatpicker-omnibees-be input, .hospedes #lista-hospede, #codigo-promocional input, #button-reserva-flutuante h5 { color: #ffffff ; } .motor-reserva svg path { fill: #ffffff !important; } .booknow button { background: #635330 !important; } .calendar-icon { background-color: #ffffff !important; } .flatpickr-day.selected, .flatpickr-day.startRange, .flatpickr-day.endRange, .flatpickr-day.selected.inRange, .flatpickr-day.startRange.inRange, .flatpickr-day.endRange.inRange, .flatpickr-day.selected:focus, .flatpickr-day.startRange:focus, .flatpickr-day.endRange:focus, .flatpickr-day.selected:hover, .flatpickr-day.startRange:hover, .flatpickr-day.endRange:hover, .flatpickr-day.selected.prevMonthDay, .flatpickr-day.startRange.prevMonthDay, .flatpickr-day.endRange.prevMonthDay, .flatpickr-day.selected.nextMonthDay, .flatpickr-day.startRange.nextMonthDay, .flatpickr-day.endRange.nextMonthDay { background: #635330 !important; border-color: #635330 !important; }
Reserva Agora ×

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